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When Hilarity ensues {on Alan's desk}

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When Hilarity ensues {on Alan's desk} Empty When Hilarity ensues {on Alan's desk}

Post  Kitten Fri May 27, 2011 2:19 pm

And the randomness strikes again. Poor, poor Alan.

London was a dreary city in early spring. Even though the winter was almost gone, it was still rainy and cold. But even those silly mortals in the streets below could feel the change. There were less dying, less suicides, and it meant one thing for the Grim Reapers; the Suicide Season was over. The Season had been the worst in at least two centuries, they'd told her. It was certainly the worst she'd seen. But the end of the Season only meant one thing; party. And this year, it was going to be a party like she had never seen. It didn't start like they'd planned to. Ones who'd finished early had came early. Chelsea was among them, just as Ronald had been. Ronald sighed as he leaned against the wall.
"This isn't working" he said. She glanced at him, before covering her mouth with the back of his hand as he climbed on somebody's desk. That was the sign as paperwork was thrown into the air and people started partying. Will was not amused, but he decided not to stop it. Chelsea laughed as the party started, alcohol flowing like it was a river. It went on and on.

She was tipsy, but not really drunk. It seemed Ronald had a highly interesting conversation with a lamp -there was a face drawn on it-, while Alan had seemed to loose his restraints and was dancing in the middle of it. Grell had decided that he did not get enough attention and decided to dance on a desk. Chelsea decided to spare him further embarrassment, but he screeched;
"MY dancing spot, find your own!" She rolled her eyes and got a bowl of the -horrible- punch Will had brought. Splash.

It was just the day after that, that she came in and heard;
"Who the hell throw Will's punch over my desk?" Chelsea choked on her coffee and decided to evacuate the scene. Nobody could touch Alan's desk without losing at least a finger.


Posts : 506
Join date : 2011-04-11
Age : 28
Location : In your head

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